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 presentation , really worried
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Posted on 04-29-08 2:15 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hey  guys, i have to give presentation tomorrow for 30  minutes. i am really worried because this is my first time please tell me what is going to help me in this situation.

Posted on 04-29-08 2:20 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why are u worried??  If u are ready for presentation then chill man!!!

Anyway, Good Luck Dude!!

Posted on 04-29-08 3:53 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Don't prepare too many slides. You will try to talk faster if you have too many slides. Keep it below 30 slides.

Posted on 04-29-08 4:23 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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And don't make slides too complex with zazzz animations and what not... Audience is more interested in what you say than what you show (unless your presentation is about it).

If it is not too late, use an ice-breaker - something to calm yourself down in front of the audience. Maybe a sentence or two about your personal expereince / passion about the time you spent preparing for the presentation.. etc.. maybe a joke or a punchline.. My opener usually goes like this: Do you know why the new service pack of Windows (or whatever) has been delayed yet again? ... They haven't done putting in all the bugs... Works for me because I make presentations to mostly Windows competittors.


Posted on 04-29-08 7:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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thanks to you all

Posted on 04-29-08 7:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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MINUS points:  Colorful fonts, different fonts in each slide, lots of animations, reading the slide material (A to Z) facing the screen, lots of Bullets on the same slide, lots of paragraphs/sentences rather than figures/tables, without plan of the presentation, nervousness, etc.


For 30 mins. presentation; around 30 slides

1. Title ( always start with greeting the audience; then even if shows ur ppt TITLE on screen, read it yourself;   If any author/co-author of your paper available during ppt time, introduce him too; if only you are there, u may mention your supervisor's name)

2. Outline (this is must that tells everyone the contents of your ppt as how u ve structured it)

3.  Introduction (background comprising the  main objective) also mention CONTRIBUTION of your study or advantage with respect to available papers/literatures: around 6 mins

4. Methodology (a short literature review can be done here, but focussing on your own): spend a bit time here

5. Result Analysis and Discussion (here, u gonna spend at least 45% time) ===> use equations, graphics, tables while presenting results, rather than sentences.... it will be easier for you too..... present if any sensitivity analysis done.... compare the results with other technique ...

6. Conclusions (with future work)

7. Q and A.

Few tips:

1) don't present the slide in which you are not much confident

2) focus on graphics, tabular results

3) Use simple font color; better black on white back ground (if white any font color or figures would be easily viewable)

4) the font size shud not be too small ; in other words, the fonts should be readable by the audiences

5) no animation PLS - until and unless it is required (all debutant presenters are fond of animations)

6) Never read the slides rather explain

7) u shud know in detail about the content of each slide; with a glimpse of each slide, u explain facing the audience as if u r teaching them

8) if u r not sure of answering their questions; just say "thx for the good question, i will note it down and try to implement it in my future work" (never ever give wrong answer)

Apart from that, u might be knowing the expected questions from the audiences.

The above can be useful in an academic presentation.

Good luck.



Posted on 04-29-08 11:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Many eons ago when I took a class in public speaking, I learned the fundamental rule of public speaking, including for presentations: It goes like this - say what you are going to talk about, say the full thing, say again what you just said in recap mode. (intro body conclusion).

Also, speak with some authority in voice which will only come from a lot of practice and full knowledge of your presentation material. Practice it in your room with live PPT, identify spots where you tend to stop or tone down, refine the material for that spot.. and again and again.. If you are not convinced of your own presentation, your audience won't be either.

If you are using PPT (or any projection method), do not come in the way of projector and screen. And do not stand in front of the screen.

Opening: with your title slide, do your introduction (the 'say what you are going to talk about bit') so that the audience will pay attention to you and not to the slide, which, at this point, should have your presentation title, your name, etc.

Closing: Don't have the 'THE END' slide. Instead, use some relevant and catchy quote, and a small Thank You note on the same slide.

BTW just read this opener at fastcompany.com "Please say who you are, what you do, and how the Web is screwed up." How's that for an icebreaker? That was the way Kevin Lynch, Adobe's CTO, grabbed his audience at the company's annual developers event this year, throwing open a discussion about what we don't like about the Web and what we'd like to see fixed. ..." (http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/125/how-to-fix-the-web.html).


Posted on 04-29-08 11:35 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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F()ckTube, Be a Rockstar at the Presentation. Dont get too conscious about anything you speak. Just get it done!


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