Indian film Unit :"हामीले साथीहरुलाई रकम लिन मुम्बई बोलाएका थियौं, उनीहरुले मानेनन्। हाम्रो क्यामरा पनि नियन्त्रणमा राखे।हामीलाई गरेको व्यवहारदेखि दुख लागेको छ। उनीहरुले हाम्रो क्यामरा खोज्दै हातपात गर्न थालेपछि हामीले प्रहरी बोलाएका हौँ।उनले आइसपल एडभेन्चरले नेपालमा गर्ने व्यवस्थापनमा निकै कमजोरी गरेको बताए। ‘राम्रो काम गर्छौँ भनेर काम गरे तर चित्तुबझ्दो भएन’
One of the producer even said "अब नेपालमा कसैसँग काम नगर्ने "
Icefall adventures : ‘यसअघि पनि थुप्रै भारतीय फिल्म युनिटसँग काम भयो, रकम लिन मुम्बई बोलाउँछन् तर दिँदैनन्,’
Just because it's bollywood which is much much huge than perhaps economy of Nepal doesn't means its always right. I cannot go for shopping in India and tell them to come get the money in Nepal even if I manage to do shop on eight digits or more. That's not how it works and these bollywood people should know it better. For producers who are spending millions to produce a movie and failing to pay just twenty-five lakhs shows the kind of disrespect these people had towards Icefall Adventures , a company who looked after Hollywood project "Everest". If their intentions were honest they could have gone through Western Union.